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Tax consulting
  • Optimising the tax base for individual taxes
  • Deferral for submitting tax returns
  • Representation in tax proceedings when dealing with individual tax authorities
  • Preparation of materials for banks and consultations in loan acquisition
  • Processing tax returns for legal entity income tax
  • Processing tax returns for natural person income tax
  • Processing tax returns for:
    • Road tax
    • Value added tax
    • Real estate tax
    • Inheritance tax
    • Real estate transfer tax
    • Gift tax

What for you are interested in

Condacting of book-keeping and tax evidation, writing auditor gen report, processing of tax return (with aplication of tax optimalization)


Hillcom TAX OFFICE, s.r.o.
Kvítková 4352
760 01 Zlín
DIC: CZ27733661
34. budova, Areál Svit
760 01 Zlín
tel.: 577 523 254
fax: 577 523 240
Czech Republic 


Cooperative person